State Assessment Score Reports

Student Score Reports can be accessed electronically through the Infinite Campus parent portal. Students in grades 4 through 8 who took the test in previous years can view past scores and their progress over time. There are reports for 3rd – 8th grade students in English Language Arts and Mathematics (CAASPP). For 5th & 8th grade students there will be a Science report (CAST). Our Dual Immersion Program students and students at PACS who took Spanish will soon have available the Spanish assessment (CSA). For our English Learners, the English Language Proficiency Assessment in California (ELPAC) summative reports are also available electronically (In the portal it will be listed as ESA).

For information on how to log in to the parent portal, please contact your school site office staff. Each school site offers a computer for parent use, and have staff trained to help access these reports.

Once in the parent portal, go to “More” in the menu and then “Assessments” and “Generate”.

To learn more about your child’s scores, go to the parent web page called Starting Smarter, available at
