Dynamic Duo

Espinoza, Guzman: talented triple threats 
on the field, court and also the classroom

By Alexandra Flores
Cactus Student Writer

Alize Espinoza and Gemma Guzman are eighth graders at Cactus Middle School. 

Both have been a part of Cactus’ basketball, volleyball, and soccer teams. Each play a variety of sports outside of school as well. Even when they play these sports they still manage to earn a high GPA at school. 

Everyone has their off day.

For Alize, she tries to play her best and takes her emotions out on the game.

When Gemma has an off day she tells herself to keep on playing and never quit. 

When playing any sport, Alize feels free and useful to the team. When Gemma is playing it is always fun and it brings her joy. 

Some goals these girls have are to play sports in high school and continue to play in college. Maybe they will even become professional athletes.

These girls are really talented and try their best in and out of games.
