Health and Wellness » Eat Healthy - Food & Nutrition

Eat Healthy - Food & Nutrition

 Want to eat healthy and stay active? There is no better way than doing this together as a family. Be healthy and encourage your kids to do the same.

Your kids learn from watching you. Eat fruits and veggies and your kids will too!

Use these tips to eat healthy with your family:

  • Serve fruits and vegetables with every meal.

  • Suggest, but do not force, your child to take a bite. Give lots of praise for trying new food.

  • Kids learn to like foods they see and taste more than once. Ask your child to try a new food more than once, but remember that tasting new foods is their choice! Make trying new foods a positive and fun thing for your child. Plus, ask your kids to describe the new foods while they taste it. Are they sweet or sour? Crunchy or soft?

  • If you food shop with your child, ask him or her to pick out a new fruit or vegetable to try at home.

  • Make dinner time family time. Turn off the TV or computer and talk about your day.