Health and Wellness » School Wellness » Smart Snacks in School

Smart Snacks in School

Smart Snacks in Schools is a rule established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that establishes nutrition standards for ALL foods sold on campus between the hours of midnight to a half hour after the end of the school day. 

Foods must:

  • Be a whole grain-rich product; or

  • List a fruit, vegetable, dairy product, or protein food as the first ingredient; or

  • Be a combination food that contains at least 1/4 cup of fruit and/or vegetables.

Foods must meet these nutrient requirements:

  • Calories: ≤ 175 for Elementary Schools and ≤ 200 for Middle/High Schools

  • Sodium ≤ 200 mg

  • Fats: Total fat ≤ 35%, saturated fat ≤ 10%, and trans fat < 0.5 g per serving

  • Sugar limit: ≤ 35% of sugar by weight

Beverages sold/served options:

  • Plain water (with/without carbonation)

  • Milk: Unflavored low-fat milk or unflavored/flavored fat-free milk and milk alternatives

  • 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice (may be diluted with water and contain no added sweeteners)

To determine if your food or beverage meets nutrition standards, visit the California Project Lean’s Competitive Food Standards Compliance Calculator

*The Competitive Food Calculator is updated on a periodic basis and is to be used as a reference tool.

Smart Snacks in School

Tools for School: Focusing on Smart Snacks