Schools » Early Childhood Education » Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education


975 East Avenue P - 8 * Palmdale, CA. 93550 * 661.273.4710


Programs Offered

  1. Early Head Start
    • A home-based program designed for pregnant women, infants, and toddlers - which includes weekly home visits for a minimum of 90 minutes and socializations twice a month for 90 minutes. (Only available to families residing in the Palmdale area)
  2. Head Start
    • 3 1/2 hours per day - Monday through Friday
    • 3 1/2 hours per day - Monday through Thursday
    • Full-day programs
      • Monday through Friday - 7 hours a day
      • Monday through Thursday - English / Spanish - Dual Immersion Program
    • Home-Based Program - which includes weekly home visits for a minimum of 90 minutes and socialization visits for a minimum of 90 minutes, and socialization twice a month for 90 minutes.
  3. State Preschool
    • 3 hours a day - Monday through Friday


We are currently only accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. If you’d like to apply for our Early Childhood Education program, please use the link below.


  2. Upon submitting your application, email the following forms to

    1. Proof of Age: State/County Birth Certificate or Foster Agreement

    2. Proof of Income: Calworks, TANF, SNAP, SSI, or 2024 Tax returns/W2’s for both parents.

    3. Proof of Address: Utility Bill (Gas, Water, Electric), or current signed Rental/Lease Agreement

  3. Wait to receive a call to complete the interview for the waitlist and POSSIBLE enrollment. Thank you


En este momento estamos aceptando solicitudes solamente para el año escolar 2025-2026. Si desea entregar una solicitud para nuestro programa de educación temprana utilice el siguiente enlace.

  1. Para una solicitud en espanol (Haga clic aquí)

  2. Al enviar su solicitud por favor mande los siguientes documentos a

    1. Comprobante de Edad: Acta nacimiento del estado/condado, o Contrato de padres de crianza

    2. Comprobante de Ingresos: Calworks, SNAP, Ingreso Suplementario del Seguro Social (SSI), Taxes 2024, Forma W-2 para ambos padres

    3. Comprobante de Domiclio: Recibo de Gas, Agua, Electricidad, o Contrato de renta/Arrendamiento reciente

  3. Espere recibir una llamada para completar la entrevista para la lista de espera y POSIBLE inscripción. Gracias