Hope Ausby » Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal

My name is Hope Ausby and I am honored to serve as your Assistant Principal for the 2022-2023 school year. I am an educator, a parent, and an advocate for children.
I have worked in education for 29 years and I have worked in special education for 24 years.  I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, a Master’s degree in Cross-Categorical Special Education and a Master’s degree in Educational Administration. My time in education has given me the opportunity to work as an Aide, a General education teacher, Special education teacher, and a Resource support specialist. I am thankful that my expertise has allowed me to be mentor and a resource to staff, parents, and other members of the community.
This my first year with the Palmdale school district and I look forward to getting to know all of our families, staff and the students here at Palmdale Discovery Center/ First Steps. I am here as a resource to all of you and I want to support our families and staff as we continue grow and move forward. I am excited to see what the year has in store for us. Let’s have an awesome school year.
Hope L. Ausby M. ED.