John Westberg » Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal

Hello Bobcat Family! 
I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the Assistant Principal here at Chaparral Prep Academy. 
To be brief, as a husband, a father of five children, and a life-long learner who has worked in education, in three different states, over the past thirteen years, I have come to appreciate the value of good quality education and the importance of building relationships of trust.  My goal in working with the Chaparral Community is to get to know everyone personally while dedicating my time, effort, and expertise to help our staff and students reach their full potential.
If I had to sum up my personal and professional life in six phrases, they would be:
●    Believe there is good in the world
●    Be the good in the world
●    Focus on strengths 
●    Assume good intentions
●    See a need; fill a need
●    Work hard; play hard
I look forward to getting to know and working with all of you.