Melinda Price » Information


Hi, everyone! My name is Melinda Price, and I'm absolutely thrilled to have joined the DGM family as the counselor this year. This is my 8th year in school counseling, and this is my 25th year working with students in a variety of capacities.
While some days are definitely more challenging than others, I thoroughly enjoy working with students as they hone their skills, gain knowledge, and grow into their personalities as they pursue their life goals, interests, and dreams. My ultimate goal is that our students become self-advocates, they have the confidence to be comfortable in who they are as they develop socially, emotionally, and academically, and be prepared for the next step in their lives. 
I'm a diehard sports fan with an emphasis on baseball and football teams. Both of my children grew up playing baseball and softball up to college levels. I believe that a positive mental mindset forms both on and off the field when students participate in school sports or other extra-curricular team-building activities. Speaking of sports, I'm a Dodgers and KC fan, much to the chagrin of my friends and family. When I am not at work you will catch me hanging out with my family or my two furry doodles (aka my best friends).
"When you do what you love passionately, success won't be far away."
Work Hours
Monday / Friday
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.